Based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated October 1, 2008, under No. 491 on the reorganization of the State Unitary Aviation Enterprise “Tajik Air”, SUE “Tajikairnavigation” was established and, according to enterprise the charter opened its branches in Khujand, Kulob and Bokhtar cities.
SUE “Tajikairnavigation” branch in Kulob city has been providing services for the movement of aircraft, execution of routes and their safety since the day of its operation. In the first year of operation, the employees number in the branch was 25 people, currently the staff number reaches 43 people. The increase in number of routes, the purchase and installation of modern technology by the enterprise laid the foundation for progress and significant achievements.
Currently, this branch, like the main center of the enterprise, provides air navigation services to domestic, regional and international routes through the Air Traffic Services Sector, Radio Technical Support of Flights and Aviation Electrical Communications Service and Civil Aviation Meteorological Station Department.

The activity of this sector and departments is basically to ensure the safety of flights, to ensure the operation of radio-technical and communication tools and equipment, technical support of control and aeronautical equipment, technical use of meteorological equipment, installation work, repair and maintenance of technical equipment of the branch, and most importantly, flight safety, repair and maintenance technical equipment of the branch in good working condition, provision of wind and weather monitoring for the safety, landing and takeoff of planes at Kulob Airport. The use of wind and weather (meteorological) information inside and outside the Kulob Airport is sent by means of automatic equipment.
With the aim of adjusting the level and quality of air navigation services at SUE “Tajikairnavigation” branch in Kulob, with the support of the enterprise General Director Loik Begijonzoda modern equipment, including the voice communication system “FREQUENTIS”, MLAT system, Air traffic control automation complex system “Master-AS”, DME 2020 radiomining equipment, AviMet automated weather forecasting system equipment, ICOM IC F120, 110 and 111 VHF radio stations, ICOM 78 HF radio stations, SMAR-T equipment, automatic aerodrome information transmission equipment “ATIS”, power supply equipment diesel generators of “RID” and VAISALA “AviMET”, “ATIS”, “AFTN” and sensor radio station FREQENTIS have been purchased and installed, the level and quality of meteorological information supply has been significantly increased. Favorable conditions are provided in the working rooms of the employees, and the employees carry out their tasks in a timely and efficient manner every day.