Specialists of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” are taking part in the next Joint Meeting of the Working Groups WG-4 IUG CIS WMO and PT/EAST/17 ICAO (Working Group “Meteorological Support of Civil Aviation” of the International Council on Hydrometeorology (WG-4 IUG CIS) and the Project Team for the Implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices in Eastern Europe, including Central Asia (PT/EAST METG ICAO) that started on November 25, 2024, in Astana.
The event is organized by RSE “Kazaeronavigatsia”.
The meeting is attended by more than 50 specialists in the field of aviation meteorology, researchers, representatives of air navigation service providers from Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
It should be noted that with the initiative of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” General Director Loik Begijonzoda, modern meteorological equipment has been purchased and updated in recent years, and the level and quality of aviation meteorological services in the country has improved. At the same time, serious attention is paid to improving the qualifications of specialists, and their participation in professional training is ensured.
More than 30 reports and messages presented at the meeting in the framework of perspectives on aviation meteorology development in the region. Representative of “Austria control”, vice-chairman of DMG (Date Management Group) Michael Pichler shared with the participants of the meeting the results of monitoring on management, information processing and proposed a solution to work with ORMET (Operational Meteorological Data) for the implementation of SWIM.
The Council will continue its work until November 27, 2024.
SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Press-Center