Air Traffic Management

- preventing collisions between aircraft;
- preventing aircraft from colliding with each other within the maneuvering area or any obstacles present within this area;
- accelerating and maintaining the orderly flow of air traffic;
- providing advice and information necessary for safe and efficient flight operations;
- notifying relevant organizations about aircraft, needing search and rescue services assistance and providing these organizations with the necessary assistance;
- studying the needs of Air Traffic Control in terms of human resources, training, licenses, etc. with the implementation of national and international standards.
Area control of Joint ATM System “Dushanbe” provides ATS in the airspace and domestic air routes within the lower and upper airspace of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 2010 in order to increase the efficiency of service provision a Subsidiary Area Center “Khujand” was organized.
Approach control unit provides air traffic services in Terminal Control Area Dushanbe, which is challenging sector.
Precision Approach Radar unit provides ATS within Control zone, aerodrome traffic circuit, and before final leg.
Tower control provides ATS in assigned airspace and manages aircraft movement within the territory of the aerodrome by means of radio communication equipment, visual observation, crew report and coordination with adjacent units of ATS.

Managing, directing, and tracking aircraft, whether at the airports or in the air, to prevent collision by ensuring the maintenance of height, distance, or time between aircraft and providing any necessary information to the aircraft.
TOWER CONTROL Provides TWR, ground, clearance delivery control services. | APPROACH CONTROL Provides approach services Radar/ Procedural. | AREA CONTROL Provides Area (En-route) services Radar/ Procedural. | AFIS Provides traffic information service to the traffic intending to use the airport providing the proper coordination. |

SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Control Tower modern building for air traffic control was built in 2019. On June 27, 2019, Air Traffic Control Tower of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” was commissioned at Dushanbe International Airport with the participation of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon. Tower has great importance in ensuring flight safety and is one of the most important facilities for controlling the flight and landing of aircraft, it was built in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization norms and requirements.

The air navigation facility was built based on the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the Republic of France for 18 months.

The facility height is 41 meters, and the workplace of the personnel is erected at a height of 36 meters. Control Tower yard is fully illuminated, decorated with flowers and bushes, which give the facility a modern look. The modern lighting system was installed, flowers and bushes, unique evergreen and ornamental trees were laid out around the territory of Control/Dispatch tower.