Communication, Navigation and Surveillance and Aeronautical Communications
SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Communication Navigation and Surveillance Department (CNS) or Department Radio Engineering Support of Flights and Aeronautical Telecommunications (DRESF and AT) being the most importantpart of the Enterprise, plays a huge role in the provision and supply the air navigation servicesto the Republic of Tajikistan airspace users. CNS consists of Radar and Radio Navigation Unit and Communication Unit.

The main tasks of CNS are:
• Radio navigation support of aircraft flights;
• Providing ATM management with surveillance equipment and aeronautical telecommunications and providing meteorological equipment technical operation;
• Organizing and implementing technical operation of ground-based radio-technical equipment and communications, ensuring high reliability and quality;
• Organizing and carrying out measures to modernize and upgrade ground-based SUE “Tajikairnavigation” equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;
• Organizing CNS equipment certification, standardization and flight verification.

Radio navigation support for aircraft flights in the airspace of the Republic of Tajikistan is carried out by CNS by ensuring reliable and uninterrupted operation of 7 rangefinder radio beacons of the DME system installed at the aerodromes of the international airports of Dushanbe, Khujand, Kulob, Bokhtar and other areas. Radio navigation support for flights as well as includes objects equipped with drive radio stations and automatic radio direction finders.

To monitor the airspace and control air traffic, the surveillance system of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation”, consists from;
1) MLAT South System;
2) MLAT North System;
3) Aerodrome Radar “AORL 85 TK”;
4) Secondary Radar “KOREN AS”;
5) Automatic Dependent Surveillance System “(ADS-B) Vostok”.
CNS Radar and Radio Navigation Unit as well as ensure the technical operation of Enterprise meteorological equipment.