Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan



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On January 31, press conference was conducted by the Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, SUE “Tajikairnavigation”, OJSC “Tajik Air”, OJSC “Somon Air”, OJSC “Dushanbe International Airport” with representatives of domestic and foreign mass media. During the press-conference the implementation of the instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, preparations for celebration the 35th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, effective activities results, improving republic aviation activity, increase of flights and opening of new corridors through the country airspace, developing cooperation with aviation facilities construction companies, aviation equipment and machinery manufacturers, as well as aviation regulations of the Republic of Tajikistan, standards and recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), developing technical specifications and attraction of investments for modernization of system radio-technical and meteorological equipment, replacement of various multifunctional equipment, implementing industry development plan, meet services quality to modern requirements, adaptation of the industry infrastructure and significant results achieved by the industry enterprises in 2023.

It was also emphasized that in the framework of cooperation on civil aviation the Republic of Tajikistan has air communication with 28 countries of the world and in order to develop air communication with various countries drafts of the Agreements on air communication with Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Moldova, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Hungary and other countries of the world has been prepared and they are under consideration.

It should be noted that SUE “Tajikairnavigation” along with other aviation enterprises has shown a high level of labour responsibility in 2023 to implement strategic goals, ensure flight safety, provide aviation services, conduct systematic methodical work with the restoration of radio technical and meteorological equipment, education and provision of qualified personnel, involving as many of them to learn foreign languages, maintaining labour discipline, conduct cultural and political events.

In 2023 the new route POMIR-AGWUT between the Republic of Tajikistan and the People’s Republic of China has been launched with the direct support of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon and Speaker of the National Assembly of Tajikistan, Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali, the Agreement on Cooperation between the district centers of Dushanbe and Urumqi was signed in Dushanbe city with the participation both sides civil aviation representatives that considered one of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” significant achievements in the reporting period. It is worth noting that in order to reach this achievement and implementation of this initiative, various level meetings were conducted between representatives of both sides, as a result of which the necessary equipment was purchased and installed. 

As well as enterprise served 51,530 aircraft, which is 5,068 or 11% more than the indicator for the same period of 2022 (in 2022 - 46,462), this indicator refers to all enterprise branches. In addition, the main factors of growth are considered the largest number of scheduled and transit flights operated by foreign and domestic airlines, as well as the opening of new flight routes through the airspace of the Republic of Tajikistan. During this period, the number of transit flights will amount to 25,971 flights where 2,360 or 10% more than in 2022 (2022 - 16,873).

Along with equipment and systems modernization, enterprise management is strengthening cooperation with neighboring countries as part of the government’s visionary strategy where the evidence of this – signing two important documents, in particular, the Agreement on Bilateral Cooperation and Coordination between Dushanbe and Tashkent District Centers and Agreement on Bilateral Cooperation and Coordination between Dushanbe and Samarkand District Centers, which contributes to strengthening the country airspace capacity and capabilities, ensuring flight safety, increasing transit flights from country airspace and expand interstate cooperation.

As a result of upgrading equipment and service systems, the air navigation services improved in Khujand, Bokhtar and Kulob branches along with Dushanbe. At the same time, installation of meteorological equipment with solar panels in local airports of Murghob district, Khorog city, Vanj and Jirgatal districts can be considered as an achievement of 2023, where implemented measures contributed to reaching aviation meteorological forecasting by “TAF” system to 93.1%.

Training and upbringing of the industry specialists, employees’ professional qualification and their retraining are under the management attention and several personnel trained abroad in 2023, including Russian Federation, Korea, Singapore, China and other developed countries that profound impact on operations quality and efficiency, ensuring aircraft safety in the space of the Republic of Tajikistan.

At the end of the meeting, the agency and national airlines management answered to media representatives questions regarding to opening of new corridors, activities of national airlines, implementation of instructions and orders of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on digitalization of payments in the airports of the country.

SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Press-Center