Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

Meetingon the results of economic activity for the first half of 2017

Meetingon the results of economic activity for the first half of 2017
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07.07.2017 was the final meeting on theresults of economic activities of SUE "Tajikaeronavigation" for thefirst half of 2017.

Deputy Minister of Transport of theRepublic of Tajikistan Sh. Ganjalzoda took part in the meeting.

The report was presented by the DeputyDirector General of SUE "Tajikairnavigation" Rahimjon Saidov. Thereport noted the main achievements of the key nature of the enterprise and thedirection of the company's activities for a short period.

Ganjalzoda, in his speech noting thesuccess of the company, suggested concentrating all its activities on improvingflight safety, strengthening the work on attracting foreign investment, andalso involving youth more in solving production issues.

Heads of structuraldivisions made speeches in the debate.