Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan



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Ensuring safety taking into account proper organization of airspace and air traffic are the main tasks of SUE “Tajikairnavigation”. In order to meet international air navigation standards, the Enterprise carries out relevant works and takes necessary measures.

The World Geodetic System - WGS-84 is the most important component of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards in ensuring accurate and safe air navigation. In order to introduce it into national practice, the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan “About implementation in activities of civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan of the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84)” was issued on July 2, 2013, based on which the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan developed Action Plan for the implementation of this system and established a working group of specialists from the Ministry and interested aviation industry enterprises.

Taking into account SUE “Tajikairnavigation” new function in designing, checking and issuing flight procedures, the enterprise has crucial importance in this task realization. “Air Traffic Services Capacity Building Project” was implemented with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) assistance and financial support of Japan Government. In the framework of this project, in 2018, Enterprise specialists were trained on PANS-OPS flight procedure designers’ programs and in cooperation with the Design and Research Institute “Fazo” geodetic surveys were conducted at Dushanbe airport. To date, geodetic surveys have been carried out at Dushanbe, Khujand, Kulob and Bokhtar airports as part of the implementation of the Action Plan for WGS-84. 

In order to practical implementation of the set tasks, with the initiative of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” General Director established the Flight Procedure Design Division in 2018, and then the Aeronautical Information Service Department in 2022, which is contributing to this important issue solution.

It should be highlighted that industry and science in our country have been developing rapidly in recent years, where many innovations being introduced - aeronautical navigation is no exception.  The World Geodetic System WGS-84 is the necessary basis for Performance Based Navigation (PBN) implementation which takes advantage of the constellations of Global Navigation Satellite System (GPS/GLONASS, etc.) and allows the introduction of modern, more accurate and safer flight procedures.

It should be noted that PBN implementation is the priority of the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan and applies to all key civil aviation stakeholders.

PBN system is a new aviation concept aimed at improving the safety, efficiency and stability of the global air transportation system. The benefits of the system are safety, increased airport accessibility, reduced infrastructure operating costs and CO2 emissions, increased airspace capacity, quality utilization and flexibility of terminal airspace.

WGS-84 and PBN implementation is necessary and important project for the whole country, however, it is quite complicated and requires serious investments. For its implementation and completion, the Enterprise applied for technical support to international organizations.  As a result, jointly with experts of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) with EBRD financial support “Organizational Support of the Air Navigation System and Introduction of Automated Flight Route Design System” project has been implemented since 2020, as well as the “Capacity Development Project for Implementation of Performance Based Navigation in the Republic of Tajikistan” jointly with JICA experts and with financial support of Japan Government.

As part of project implementation, jointly with IATA experts, the conditions for PBN implementation have been assessed and necessary characteristics for the Republic of Tajikistan were identified, as well as developed necessary regulations for the PBN implementation.

Currently, SUE “Tajikairnavigation” is implementing the “Capacity Development Project for Implementation of Performance Based Navigation” second project in the framework of its cooperation with the JICA that is aimed at improving the configuration of the airspace, developing regional access and integration in the provision of aeronautical services, increasing the level of safety and quality of air navigation services, including implementation in cooperation with State Unitary Enterprise “Aerogeodesy Dushanbe” geodetic survey of WGS-84 coordinates of the Khujand airport, production of digital topographic maps of Dushanbe, Khujand, Bokhtar, Kulob airports and the flight information region (FIR) of Dushanbe in the WGS-84 coordinate system; select enterprise’s specialists and training them on develop PBN flight procedures, as well as purchasing software for automating the development of PBN flight procedures “PANDA” from the R.I.S.K Company, Azerbaijan.

Planned final activities for 2024 include flight validation of the developed flight procedures. The flight validation will be carried out with the participation of PVS aero BV Company, Netherlands, after which the Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan will have to approve the new procedures and authorize their publication in the Aeronautical Information List (AIP) of the Republic of Tajikistan for further application.

        SUE “Tajikairnavigation”