Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan



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In honor of the Day of the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan, which is celebrated annually on October 5, the solemn event was organized in the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” with the participation of the enterprise management and employees, as well as poetess and Tajikistan Writers Union member Javhari Saidnazar.

First Deputy General Director of SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Davron Shodmonbekzoda on behalf of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” General Director Loik Begijonzoda congratulated attendees on the Day of the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan, noted that “Tajik literary language is considered one of the oldest and richest languages of the world, and in this language for more than three thousand years the richest and most valuable scientific, literary, artistic and historical works have been created. All these works play a certain role in the treasury of universal civilization”.


It was noted that after gaining State Independence, in connection with fundamental changes in the social life of the Tajik people and the achievement of national and State Independence, the transition to a market structure of the economy, the complete change in political, economic, legal, social relations, cultural, scientific, cultural and everyday life both inside and outside the country, it became necessary to adopt a new law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan”. It was on October 5, 2009, that the new law was adopted. This law defines the legal status of the state language and regulates its use in the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with the current norms of the Constitution of the Republic.


Then, in her speech, Sarvinoz Zikaeva, Head of Archives of the HR Department of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” recalled the history of the Tajik language in the past centuries and after gaining state independence. “The country has adopted and implemented several laws and regulations on the Tajik language, which has raised the status of the Tajik language”, - Sarvinoz Zikaeva stated in the continuation of her speech.


As well as Javhari Saidnazar, poetess and member of the Tajikistan Writers Union noted the contribution of the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon in the development of the state language during independence. “Language is directly related to thinking. Every thought arising in the mind takes shape through language. Language is the only means and the main form of expression of thought,” – highlighted poetess in her speech. The event continued with the reading of poems on the themes of the homeland and the Tajik language.


At the same time, Trade Union Head of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Isroil Nuraliev and Deputy Head of the Aviation Training Center of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Abbos Afsakhzoda expressed their opinions regarding the status and role of the state language in modern times, promotion of the state language among the younger generation.


It is important to remember that the Tajik language became the most important factor of unity and unity of the nation during more than thirty years of state independence. Regarding the protection, support and development of the Tajik language, the role and position of the historical figure, the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon is great and unique. Thanks to this wise and far-sighted man a series of laws and decisions on the Tajik language were adopted and put into practice, which greatly increased the status of the Tajik language. It is necessary for each of us to protect the state language like the apple of an eye. Because the national thought and idea of each nation is expressed in its language, literature, culture and art, and is formed in the thinking and knowledge of its children.   

SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Press-Center