Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan



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Flight safety is primarily related to the correct observation and forecasting of meteorological conditions such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind and current air conditions. In order to improve the above-mentioned situations, based on the mutual agreement between the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” and “SKYMAX TECHNOLOGIES” Company of the Republic of Kazakhstan, experienced engineers of this company visited the Republic of Tajikistan on 6 November 2024.

During the visit, SKYMAX TECHNOLOGIES engineers first got acquainted with the Aviation Metrology Centre activities of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” in Dushanbe and started to verification the meteorological equipment. At the same time, in the framework of the visit, the company’s engineers visited Kulob and Bokhtar cities, where meteorological equipment and systems are installed in the branches of the enterprise and verified. At the same time, a business trip to the enterprise branch in Khujand is planned.

It should be noted that this company, in addition to determining and verifying the functionality of aviation meteorological equipment for observation and forecasting of weather conditions such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind and the current state of the atmosphere, at the same time meet international requirements and standards, also issues a certificate for the use of proposals for one year.

It is worth noting that such meteorological information is important for passengers during take-off and landing, and also plays a key role in ensuring flight safety, and such research contributes to reducing risks and preventing accidents.

SUE “Tajikairnavigation” under the leadership of Director General Loik Begijonzoda, in order to improve the forecasting of aviation meteorological data, regularly carries out such necessary activities, at the same time, the modernization of sectoral equipment, retraining of specialists of aviation meteorological center in foreign countries are carried out.

The visit of SKYMAX TECHNOLOGIES specialists will last until 15 November 2024.


                                                                                          SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Press Center