Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan



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On September 5, dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and 99th anniversary of Civil Aviation Day of the Republic of Tajikistan, a solemn event conducted at JSC “Tajik Air” meeting hall with the participation of Usmonzoda Usmonali Yunusali - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan, Safarzoda Dilshod Faizali – Director of Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Amirzoda Mahmud Hamid - Deputy Head of the Infrastructure Development Department of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Nematzoda Maliksho Mahmadsho - Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Tajikistan, heads the Aviation Agency sub-structures and staff.


In their congratulatory speeches, officials spoke about the history of Tajik civil aviation development, support of the leadership and Government of the Republic to the field and Tajik aviation achievements during the independence. It was noted that during the independence, the field developed and flights geography expanded to more than 20 countries, and cooperation agreements on aviation were signed with 30 countries of the world.

Then, Usmonzoda Usmonali presented state awards to the employees of the sector, who were awarded by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for significant activity dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of Tajikistan State Independence.


According to Decree President of the Republic of Tajikistan “On awarding employees of science and culture, healthcare, production of goods and services, local government bodies, other civil servants and entrepreneurs” Mahmadnosirova Mahina – Aviation Meteorological Center Chairman of SUE “Tajikairnavigation” was gifted with Order of Honor of the Republic of Tajikistan.


During the state independence, Tajik aviation carried out its activities based on Leader of the Nation instructions and orders, Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decisions and orders, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requirements and rules, Airspace Code, general aviation rules of the country and other legal documents. Over 99 years, civil aviation has evolved from small single-engine aircraft to large passenger and cargo aircraft.

Within the undertaking employees and veterans of the industry who made a significant contribution to the development of Tajik civil aviation were awarded medals, awards, certificates and memorable gifts by the Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Tajikistan.


As well as, on September 6, a solemn meeting was organized at SUE “Tajikairnavigation”. During the meeting officials congratulated the staff on Tajik Aviation Day and State Independence Day of the Republic of Tajikistan. It was emphasized that the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan led to industry development over 32 years and improvement of the aviation services infrastructure of the country.


In particular, in this period communication tools, navigation devices, flight and landing control systems, and electronic flight control tools, ensuring flight safety and other important areas of aviation have been upgraded. The commissioning of the Control Tower by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon in 2019 is proof of the support and development of the industry by the high leadership and government of the republic. This large aeronautical facility, which complies with ICAO standards and requirements, has great importance in ensuring flights safety and is one of the most important facilities for air traffic management.

In the end, SUE “Tajikairnavigation” experienced employees were gifted certificates and memorable gifts by the responsible.

SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Press Center